So what does mash'Allah mean? The literal English translation is "as God has willed it". It's used for whenever someone or something is being praised or admired. It's supposed to be a reminder that all good things come from God and are blessings from Him. Saudis and other Arabs also strongly believe that saying it prevents the "evil eye". Sometimes Saudis might say mashallah when just looking at something nice.
When lots of children are present and people are talking about them, every other word seems to be mashallah! It can be quite frustrating to always remember to say it, but for Saudis it comes naturally and they expect westerners to know to say it too. The family at the hospital obviously was afraid that I had given them the evil eye. It might sound superstitious to some, but it's dead serious business here.
So be warned, if you're coming to Saudi-Arabia and see a cute baby (they are everywhere) don't forget to say mashallah!
What a cute baby MASHALLAH!
Very informative, now I know.
Good thing, they only asked that you say Mashallah when praising children, in our country - Philippines, traditional parents with newborns would demand that you wipe a little bit of spit on the soles of their kids to ward of the evil eye, eeew I know, but these traditional folks would not stop till you wipe saliva on their kids for fear of the babies incurring illness from having been in contact with an unfamiliar individual. It totally contradicts hygienic practices and its very hard for me as a nurse to explain the benefits of not succumbing to such rituals when they are adamant about it.
I guess each culture has similarities when children are talked about.
Thank you for remember me, to say mashAllah, i will try to do it more often :) not just only for "rescue someone from the evil eye" just to prais Allah swt more often.
By the way, is that your little princess? A very beautiful baby, mashAllah ;)
Lady Stapler-thanks for your comment! It was very interesting to read. I guess the evil eye is not only feared in the arab culture then.
FAjina-thanks for your comment and yes that is a very cute baby mashallah ;)
It's because of evil eye :)
Salam, Laylah! Mash´Allah! Your blog is beautiful!
Here in Brazil we also say "Mash´Allah" when we´re near a baby (specially country people say that, it is an old custom)
Visit my blog, too:
C-yes that is I think the main reason in Saudi for people saying it..
Denise-Salaam aleikum and thanks for visiting my blog!I stopped by yours but didn't understand because of the language barrier :)
I am always forgetting to say mashallah and my husband is always reminding me! :-) But last night I was having iftar (or fatoor, as the Saudis say) with a very good friend of mine, a fellow American Muslimah, and her little daughter, Juju, who is 20 months old, was playing near the door, and Juju put on a pair of her mother's shoes, picked up my cell phone, waved at us, and said in her little baby voice, "Salaam alaikum!" It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen and neither I nor her mother had ever heard her say that, and before I could even think about it, the first thing that came out of my mouth was, "Ohhhh, MASHALLAH!!" So maybe I will get the hang of it yet. :-)
Thanks for your post, and I love your blog! :-)
I notice myself still forgetting to say it all the time..I guess it needs some getting used to before it comes 100% naturally everytime :)
That sounds like one very sweet girl!
Lol, i always refuse to say mashalla when someone ask me to say it.. He:SAY MASHALLA.. Me:i won't he:ana zalaan me:invite me to dinner and i'll say it. he:Ok just say it. me:mashalla, yalla lets go to eat :)
Asslamo Alikum,
Saying mashaallah is not culture-based thing. Instead, it is related to islam.
Allah SWT said (68:51)(And indeed, those who disbelieve would almost make you slip with their eyes when they hear the message, and they say, "Indeed, he is mad)."
from the tafsir of this ayah, we can prove that the evil eye is real.
Also, prophet Muhammad PBUH told moslims to say mashaallah when they see something that they like, even of their owns
Conclusion: Saying Mashaallah is a prophetic teaching. Therefore, every moslim should follow it if they love the prophet PBUH.
Allah said in the holy quran (59:7) (So accept whatever the Messenger gives you, and refrain from whatever he forbids you. And fear Allah: verily Allah is Most Stern in retribution.
I hope it helps!
Faisal AlIslam- thank you very much for your comment! It's based in Islam yes, but what I meant is culture here in Saudi is that even non-muslims are expected to say it all the time :)
Faisal Al Islam - Good post. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "The Evil eye is real"
I guess this NORM is more related to the religion than a region.In my country they always say Masha Allah when they experience something extra ordinary;some one is talented/looking beautiful/cooked well/is blessed with something.I never knew it was that customary in Saudia.But many things are more intense specially from where they generate.Since Islam took birth from there thus it is more in to their souls..:)
Very Great writing indeed...
I agree with a lot of what you're saying here but it could do with more detail. They stayed away in droves.
I never believed in the evil eye. I wouldn't say that just to appease superstition. But that's just me.
The term is related to the tern InShallah (God-willing) in Arabic. It is recited by Christians as well when they is "God-willing". Term has influenced other cultures as well including Spanish speakers who say Ojala=God-Willing or "I Hope so", Yoruba speakers in Africa, Cuba and Brasil who Oxala. It is also used in Brasilian Portuguese especially.
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