My first experience from Saudi wedding make-up was when a colleague of mine showed me her wedding picture album. My jaw dropped! WHOA! Girl literally had painted rainbows on her eyelids and had some sort of crystals plastered around her eyebrows. Gigantic fake eyelashes, bright pink lips and her skin covered with foundation white as the snow. I could not even recognize her!
Strangely enough this girl never wore make-up to work and always seemed to be very modest behind her niqab. She is also a natural beauty. So putting all that paint on her face to me seemed like she was drowning her beauty. Her face looked almost frightening. The below makeup tutorial looks a bit similar but without all the added crystals on the brows:
Of course I told her she looked beautiful, but to this day I have never understood the need for some Saudi and Arab women to smother so much make-up on their faces. Less is more, anyone?
The first time I attended a Saudi wedding I was in shock of the fashion sense (or lack there of) and especially the make-up of some of the attending women. Think Batman, Boy George and Star Trek..Women just go all out and totally over the top. it's more like a carneval or a masquerade.
I usually don't wear a lot of make-up except for special occasions. Apparently my perception of "a lot" does not conform with the Saudis. I had applied extra dark eye shadow and eyeliner for this wedding. Nevertheless, some women came up to me to ask "Don't you have eyeliner and mascara on? Of course I had eyeliner and mascara, duh! But I hadn't smudged my entire eyes with it. Also, blue eyes just never appear as dark with make-up and my eyelashes are really light color. If you put too much make-up on a blonde woman she ends up looking like a working girl IMHO.
So I heard "Tsk, tsk tsk. Unacceptable, she has to put more make-up on!"
"Doesn't your husband want you to wear eyeliner?" was the next question. Ummm..I don't know? What does it have to do with me being here in a all female setting anyways?
There's a big wedding coming up so I've been searching online to check out some nice Arabic style make-ups to try blend in with the crowd more. And boy the stuff that's out there is just..I have no words. Take a look at some of the looks I found:
Poison Ivy-look. What is up with the eyebrows, how did they move to the middle of her forehead?? Inspired by Mr. Spock perhaps?
Herpes-look. Enough said.
Raccoon-look. What happened to her nose anyway?
Peacock-look. I wonder if it comes with feathers attached to your butt as well?
Dear Lord help me-look. Help me look into the mirror and realize I look like a drag queen before I leave the house.
Mix and match miss-matched colors-look. The more colors you are able to splash on your face, the better. Boy George-look. Is he an Arab Idol?
The angry owl-look. Reminds me of this bird we have in Finland called huuhkaja:
Star Trek-look. Beads on your forehead make you look like an alien, period.
The 80's-look. Gotcha! Did you even notice this is not a woman, but in fact Boy George?
Hypnosis-look. Ok colored contacts can be nice if they're subtle, but this is creepy!..And don't get me started on the lip liner!
Spider-look. Everything about the look reminds me of spiders, spiderwebs and beehives and other creepy crawlers.
Face painting-look. Ya face paintings were fun when we were like 5 years old.
Measles-look. The only place where studs look good is on your bag. Or shoes. Maybe jeans. But for the love of God, don't put them on your face!
In case you are wondering how these masterpieces are created check out this tutorial:
Ok I think I will pass on the fabulousness. I'm just too modest for these looks :p
I will opt for a more simple look because I don't want to look too outrageously smashing and get the evil eye from jealous women.
I bet if I do something like this I will be just a wall flower and nobody will fell threatened by my presence.
What do you think? Which Arabic make-up look is your favorite?
P.S. I would like to add there are also very beautiful Arabic make-up styles, Noor has found some nice ones here:
P.P.S If you liked this post please pretty please vote for Blue Abaya for the Best Asian blog at the 12th Annual Weblog Awards here: Voting closes Feb 19th. Thanks!

seriously over the top isn't it.the lebanese ladies also seem to go in for this look...
Robyn-Yes it's a widespread phenomenon in the ME. Lebanese women often look even creepier because of all the facial plastic surgery and the botox they pumped in their lips.
haha i so agree with you, I had the same experience seeing wedding picture and i was like WHAT THE!!! and then they tell me it is them and Im like ohh ok you look beautiful but really in my head I am like what is with the make up??
I like the saying less is more. Not a real fan of the clown look. Is it me or are a lot of Saudi women really shallow and extremely vain.
Since most Saudi men see their wives only after getting married, it would be interesting to note their reactions on seeing such made up faces.
Money spent on wedding make up: So many thousand riyals
Shocked look on husband's face when he sees you for the first time: Priceless
Personally speaking, I do not think I would meet any of the made up ladies above in a dark alley without shouting out, "The aliens are coming" But that is just me.
Dear Laylah,
February= season of carnival :))
these words came to my mind: ugly, extreme, rousing. The base touch could be good start but less is more. Why do Saudi women show more as they have? That would be nicer, prettier, stunning-full if they enhance the beauty they have not they haven't. At some pics I felt they were taken by club for transex people. Do they want to scandalize guests? Haha they want to be the all-day stars on the wedding. Don't they interested what ppl are talking about, just be they should be the topic?
herpes look - LOL!
You've found some of the ugliest pics, no doubt! I don't like crystals on the face, I don't like shaved and later tattooed or painted eye-brows.
But generally I like khaleeji make up and respect it (when it's not like on the pics in this post) Many khaleeji women wear rather moderate make up to weddings or no make up (older women). If they find it beautiful, if they feel attractive, confident and sexy, then it's what matters and I don't mind but admire them. I like rainbows painted on their faces, it's unusual and festive. It's not Europe or America, there are different standards of beauty and good taste here.
These are just scary, I found some nice arabic make-up tutorials, which was just a smoky eye, but in a different colour,and light pink lips,she looked normal. I did not think girls actually wore make make-up like in these pictures, but this was just the exagerated magazine version of realty.
I studied at a make-up artist school in Finland. These look like fantasy make-ups or even bodypainting. One day at school we were practising wedding make-ups. There was one guy from Middle East region studying in our class. While he was making a wedding make-up on a model, our teacher passed by saying "Ali! She is a bride, not a christmas tree!" :))
I know beauty and taste vary from culture to culture, but I really have a hard time understanding how ANYONE would think this looks sexy or appealing in any way. Arab women are beautiful without the clown makeup.
lol, the more eyeshadow and color they add, the higher the eyebrows go :p
hahahaha u know before i lived in Egypt and there i saw too wedding make ups and OMG was my first thinking ... its awful and if i be honest some one make up was like russian street girls who ..... u know what i mean ... i still dont understand why arab woman they make their face white as snow ??? its not normal and eyebrows are so small and so much cuted aven they know its haram ...omg omg
olipahan hupaisa postaus, nauroin täällä itsekseni sekä kuville että mainioille kuvateksteillesi. Boy George oli todellakin monen mallin rinnalla jopa ihan jees ;)
Muistui kyllä etäisesti mieleeni omat häät Marokossa muutama vuosi sitten; mut vietiin kauneussalonkiin tällättäväksi ja missään vaiheessa minulta ei kysytty mielipidettä ei meikin eikä kampauksen suhteen...Peiliin katsominen oli pieni shokki: lopputulos kasvoilla oli kieltämättä aika räikeä eikä kampauskaan niin imarteleva. Häät sujuivat mallikkaasti ja kaikki kehuivat 'muka' kaunista morsianta. Mutta lähes aina mun normaaleja valokuvia nähdessään sikäläiset ihmiset ovat ihastelleet hillittyä, luonnollista ja suloisen kaunista lookkiani.....mitäpä siihen sitten sanoisi. 'Less is more' - todellakin!
Layla, you nailed it. I am laughing sooo hard. I remember seeing a makeup tutorial at work one day and it looked so horrendous (in UAE). There is a fine line between looking like a transvestite and elegant in Middle Eastern makeup.
Ya banat, khafaf al makyaj.
my wife ended up with a huge fight with the make up stylist who insisted that there is no way a bride can go with what she perceives as "no make up at all"! lol
hilarious post layla,,your witty posts are my favorite!
How uncomfortable with so much make-up.
The last time I wore any makeup was um....about a year ago.
And I work full-time in a dept. with men and women.
I think alot of make-up would just sink into my now fine wrinkles that are starting. I told you I don't have a hang-up about not having make-up alot the time.
Concessions: would be a dressy party or attending a wedding. But still modest.
Is it because for Saudi women, only the face mostly shows and is the window to a person's soul?
ahahahaha loving this post..please let us in on more of the saudi womans they are so mysterious and hard to get to know about. Can you do a post on weddings..and womens reactions to foreign women and their different style in clothes/hair/makeup..compared to the arab style.
The make-up is so over the top but ure ideas of being the "wall flower" i think are stunning.
Why do they paint their skin white? thats just weird..i also saw an arab ladies wedding photos and her face was like a geisha doll white and the rest of her body was a dark tan cos obviously her real skin colour was tanned but she was trying to cover it up.
Anyway LOVE LOVE LOVE this post.
That's the one thing, when I was in Saudi (it was for work not even a wedding) I felt so frumpy! I never wear make-up but next time I'll take mascara and eye shadow along (I'm with you though, the face-painting-alien-boy-george look is a bit much)
aesthetically speaking, hideous! and kinky, in the same time :D but i believe it is part of their conspicuous way of living. if you don't show off, you don't exist. kind of a potlatch (of native american indians), to position yourself among your peers, by the extent of resources you can waste (time including, because it takes time to have that make-up). this is one basic mechanism of their society.
ps: i like the way you write, it is witty, and doesn't leave aside any significant detail. not to mention the pics :)
Bigstick-I would say some are, because of the life style here their lives start evolving more and more around looks. Some Saudi women only care about shopping, the latest fashion and make-up, shoes, bags.. That's their life. Sadly that can easily happen here because of the lack of freedom of movement (only option for some is go to shopping malls) and because of the emphasis of the woman's only value as a virgin and then a wife. She is expected to look stunning for her husband at all times.
So some women take it to the extremes I guess.
But I wouldn't say the majority of Saudi women are like this! There are modest, very religious women who are not interested in such worldly affairs, and those who are very career oriented, there are rebels, there are extremely intelligent courageous ones that fight against the oppression of women and so on. Just like in any other country in the world :)
Alejandra- He does look feminine in that pic, I had to look twice myself!
JHENNIE- What I've understood is most husband's don't really care for this look. For example my husband hates it! He always tells his sisters they look like clowns to stop putting so much paint on for weddings :)
Farooq-Well most Saudi men have only seen their wives once or twice before the actual wedding. Usually in the girls home, with her wearing some make-up, but nothing like this :)
So my guess is when he arrives at the wedding and sees the bride looking like the above women he will either a) run for his life or b) faint on the spot.
Ildi-I guess weddings are the time when Saudi women get to "shine" so they really think putting lots of makeup makes them stand out!
Alice-yes some arab women do the less is more look and they do look stunning! Arabs have such beautiful dark eyes and if they manage to bring them out in less dramatic styles it looks very attractive,but still a very heavy make-up for what westerners are used to.
Dentographer-thanks! I've heard this happen quite often, so it's also the make-up "artists" who ruin the poor girl faces sometimes!
Marokon Morsian-hui! Eli siellakin yleista tallainen sirkus meikki! Kiva varmaan katsoa haakuvia vuosien jalkeen :) hehe, maassa maan tavalla!
Maria-Thanks for sharing how funny! Where was the guy from, and I'm also interested how he ended up in make-up artists school in Finland lol! Perhaps males can't apply to make-up schools in ME?
Jean-Mostly these women have their faces covered so only the eyes would be showing most of the time.. I think the fact that Saudi women so rarely get to really go all out and dress up and "show off", that when they are given the chance they sometimes go overboard with everything..
anon-thanks :) But please please use nickname next time so we "know" you!
I'm planning on writing a post about the actual wedding which is in one week, so stay tuned :)I'm going to be the only non-Arab there!
Most Saudis and probably most Arab women prefer white skin..they will us all sorts of whitening products and lots of make-up to appear whiter. Same in Asia and so many other places where women are "dark".
Funny how we in the west hate white skin (in general) and would rather be tanned! I know I do lol!
Herpes-look .. repesin!! :D
Otherwise.. maybe a bit too much for my taste, but some of those were like piece of art :)
can't really comment. waiting for my jaw to come up off the floor.
i'm a child of the 70s. little as possible in revolt to the 60s Twiggy blue eye shadow. i never wear makeup. i'm still blown away with those pics.
Otto-interesting point of view.. I agree It might have something to do with "if you don't show off you dont exist". Especially young unmarried Saudi women HAVE to get noticed at weddings. Why? because all the older women in attendance are looking and evaluating them for potential wives for their sons! It's the mother's that choose the wife. I f they ar looking to get married that is.. (which 99% of them are)
Karen-Lol me too!
Heather-I agree, especially Saudi women are extremely beautiful without any make-up!
I'm all for the natural look and highlighting your main assets in a much more subtle way. But hey to each their own :)
Another thing that I've always thought looked silly was the coloured eye contacts that look really fake, it always reminded me of bug eye's. When talking to people who wear really fake looking coloured eye contacts, I've felt like I couldn't see them, if you get what I mean. You can see a lot from looking into a persons eye's.
This also can be said to be the result of colonialism. Iman Al-Jazairi says "Looking at Arabic poetry and novels, it is interesting to see that pre-Islamic poetry up until western colonization at the eighteenth century, women were always described as having long, wavy, black hair, brown skin, black eyes with the white of the eyes very white. The body proportions were also bigger. During the later part of the nineteenth century and until very recently, light skinned, blond women have usurped the beauty standard in modern Arabic literature."
Pahahaha! Totally cracks me up!
So, needless to add to the list, but I married in Turkey and the salon insisted on making my pale white skin "tan". However, they failed to realize there was more skin to "tan" than just my face! :) teehee... I had to blend it in and lighten it when I left.
They also struggled with my lack of eyelids... I think it is my Finn genes, but I really don't have much for eye lids so they had a hard time trying to figure out where to put the eye shadow! And of course, I had to have mascara on my light blond eye lashes, so then my eye brows needed to be darkened.
In the end, they did a fabulous job with what they had to work with, and it was subtle enough for my taste. But even my mom would later call it the "Exotic Middle Eastern" look (which her Finnish genes didn't take to liking much). teeheehee
Fun Post!
Hahaha I think this is my favourite blog post ever! We mock it, but others actually see this and think its beautiful! I'm married to an Omani man and its pretty much the same over here : )
You got my vote! And pheww... those make-up styles are outrageous! Makes me feel lucky to have married a British man :)
What they really need is make up 101 make up tutorial.Seriously, they look scary to me!
But I had a good laugh at all the pictures...LOL
Felicia-Some women wear colored contacts daily, seen them in the hospital. Always blue! Looks really really fake and even scary. For me I can't look into their eyes without feeling unease.
Omeish-hmm,interesting! But then again there's all those poems about fair women and how beautiful they were. Wasn't fair skin always what Arab women preferred, that is my perception? Also the Asians wanted to be be white before colonialism, think about the white Geishas for example, the ultimate beauty symbols of the east!
Stephi-I find that strange that they wanted to make you tan! I mean isn't it pale white what they always aim for?
I hope I'm as lucky as you and manage to pull of the "exotic Middle Eastern" look on Finnish features :)
^^Hey there and thanks :)Does your Omani husband think this is beautiful?
Satu-thank you!
Nour-problem is all the make-up tutorials for "arab make-up" out there end up looking like one of the above lol
Hi Layla, at the weddings do the men have the chance to see the bride or the other women? Are they doing this just for themselves? I wonder why they think it would be appealing to anyone. Furthermore, can't believe anyone had the nerve to question or even comment on your make-up. How rude. It's like no holds bar! I've seen many Saudi women, fully covered in Canada, but with a kilo of make-up on. Not so beautiful in my small mind. (BTW I can't figure out how to leave my name as it won't accept it.)
I'm in the minority here, but I think the eyes look cool. If I was invited to an event where this was the norm, I think I might sport the face paint or spider face :). Of course I have also always been partial to Halloween costumes :P
Yeah, it was funny I still remember that after years :) He was living in Finland but originally from ME and his background seemeed to affect to his idea of what is beautiful. I think women with too much make-up seem somehow difficult to approach and certainly look older than their age, I would prefer to see the real person instead of a thick make-up mask.
haha noooooo! He thinks it's scary. But I think most men do...actually the women do it more for each other not for the men.
HILARIOUS!!!!! arab weddings are like oscars on crack!!!
This whole post was just aimed to make fun of other women, subhanAllah.
How sad that you think so. You must be a very negative person, subhanallah. And disrespectful too, because you didn't use a nickname when you can clearly read from above that it's required.
Well, in one way it does make fun of women. However, I think the message Laylah is trying to send is that your natural beauty is the best and the rest is a fake fascade that hides the true essence and beauty of women. I have always heard makeup was suppose to compliment a woman's natural beauty not turn her into a clown. Of course this was my take on the article and I understand that when writing one shows extremes to try to get people to think about the message. In other words, Anon, you may have not understood her message. Of course, this was my take from the article. Just some points to ponder.
Just a small note to women. Guys really don't care for all the makeup most prefer the more nature look.
Of course there is the cost factor as makeup is freaking expense and dry cleaner bills are a pain if mascara and stuff gets on your shirt.
Bigstick-spot on, that's exactly what I'm trying to say. WOmen don't ned this much make-up, especially Saudi omen who are naturally very beautiful.
Some people just like to read stuff the way they see things, as we can see from the above anon who clearly has a very negative outlook on life.
treva-you're comment made my day! Been under the weather today but this CRACKED me up lol!
the HORROR! I CAN'T believe some girls actually put all of that on their face and have the guts to step out of the house! I always loved the natural look,but this post is way too scary! haha I enjoyed it x
I stumbled upon your blog Laylah, and it amused me. I also have the same shocking encounter as yours when a reserve saudi colleague of mine proudly showed me a picture of her overly made up face (angry- owl look) for her sisters wedding. I said she was lovely but heaven knows how i want to take my word back after i gain back my senses.
Obviously, you go to some pretty ghetto weddings.
i totally DONT agree. i love the arabic make up. you have to realise that even arabic women have some sense of self humor. and its fantastic to be able to wear something that spectacular to usually AMAZING and huge weddings. It is extravaganza when a muslim woman weds and so is the party and its party. western women usually dont wear makeup and some ppl even come in everyday wear to weddings which is VERY booring. some of the women might not always look soo nice, but i think its fantastic what they put on and they dresses are amazing to. i really appreciate it and cant wait for my next wedding. i wish western women could be more sure of themselves sometimes and just go over the top, instead of usually being insecure and afraid to put anything on. i have so many friends that are almost afraid of wearing makeup afraid that they MIGHT look solly, and are also very shy!. they (arabic wedding styles) might not always appear classy for us (scandinavian to) but i think its so cool to see it. you must be able to see the fun in it all, dont you laylah? :)
anna-of course! That's why I wrote this post, because it's also quite funny.
I think the western women are just afraid they might look like paid women because they are used to seeing only those types women wear so much make-up!
But ya agree definitely western women who get invited should not go in boring outfits since this is the one time they can get away with anything and go all out :)
you have encouraged me to start my own blog! you are a force to be reckoned with laylah.. you had me laughing so loud :P thanks, just the pick-me-up i needed :)
Salaam :) Just found your blog today & stumbled across this post - i laughed very loudly & had to pass it on to my husband to be. I'm British (white) & he's British Asian & we're marrying next month. We're having a traditional Pakistani wedding (my insistence :D) & currently we're both in the nightmare position of trying to find a make up artist that won't make me look like coco the clown! i'm wearing beautiful Asian bridal wear (which was a nightmare to find as i'm a chubby girl &, despite me personally knowing dozens of chubby Asian ladies - the Asian clothing stores only stock clothes for tiny women!:P) & Western make up styles are just going to be too understated for the event, but pretty much all the Asian make up artists seem to think that "i'm getting married, make me look special!" = "i'm getting married, i want to look like Crusty the Clown from the Simpsons!". Doh! Needless to say this post really rang true to me & cheered me up no end :D P.S: i'm also scared that my exceptionally pasty white skin is going to look hideous with 10 pounds of make up on it, i only wish that these ladies making their skin as white as possible knew just how much us pasty white complexioned girls would love to trade skin with them! With love from England! xox
Now I can understand why the men aren't allowed to the women's side - that would scare me to death too. :D
Hahaha I love this! I grew up in Riyadh, and one of my friends recently married a Saudi guy. Everyone on our side (we're indian) was horrified when we saw her. Although I should say, she was being a god sport about it, and didn't show how bothered she was by all that weirdness on her pretty face. I don't understand why they would want to look like this, esp when they are usually so pretty!
Oh and the beads on the forehead thing is actually quite common in traditional hindu weddings. But the make up isnt so outrageous. :D
PS- just found your blog, and totally loving it! I'm going to be reading it from start to finish now! would love it if you would drop by mine :)
Hi Shazia and thanks for the comment! Was the groom equally horrified of his bride turned unrecognizable?
I'm glad you enjoyed, will visit our blog now!
WHOAHA... HA... HA... HA... its so funny, I hope not saudian not angry
I'm not sure. I didn't want to ruin anyone's day by asking, 'coz everyone else thought she looked ravishing ;)
Oh I don't know, didn't want to make things awkward by asking anyone, especially since everyone seemed to be impressed by what the make-up 'artist' had done ;)
Laylah, i am pretty sure that you know Marlena from makeupgeek. She has an Arab inspired makeup look using gold, plum and black. It's nothing close to Arabian makeup, but it's definitely way prettier. I attempted the look in my last post. You can check it out and it might be one that you'll be inclined to do.
I guess that there are two reasons for this. 1. the society got rich in a small amount of time. They didn't get used to it yet, so they think more is better. 2. gender segregation. No one is seeing their face, hairstyle and their pick of clothes normally, so they overcompensate when they can. Oh, maybe three. I noticed the more south you go, the more gypsy & kitch style women adore.
Love Love Love the post…Really interesting to hear how saudis celebrate weddings. I heard the gulf style makeup worn by party goers is quite over the top and at times frightful?.
I am a Scandinavian man, raised in a "no makeup" culture, and I still have a different view. I have always liked this heavily madeup look. For instance, i think the spidery look is really nice. I dont know why, could partly bee because it may reflect a self-expressing and more outgoing personality. However, this 'explanation' does probably not apply to these ladies so there must be other reasons. A moment of identity?
Salam Laylah, how are you? I just want to kindly point out that the comment left by the Naive Observer goes not only against your hate policy but it is perfectly disgusting to accuse the most noblest man, our Prophet (peace be upon him) as a rapist and pedophile and to accuse our Umm Mukmin as an evil lady is travesty. Please admonish this person or simply delete the comment (please screen these kind of comments as we Muslims should honor our prophet) , as you are the blog owner thus have full control of what goes on your blog. Thank you and may Allah bless your efforts.
P/s-freedom of speech does not include hate speech.
I had not noticed that comment before, thanks for the pointer, you're absolutely right!
Another thing I don't understand is having too much powder plastered on even on the parts other than face like hands and legs to look white. Why to ruin the skin?
My favorite look is Princess Amira Al-Taweel. She NEVER piles up all that make up and always looks fabulous. Apart from being a beautiful woman, she also has a nice taste.
I dont want to sound mean since their culture probably leans into the colorful and flamboyant look? Tradition maybe? but boy did you make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts. I'm not in the laughing mood too! Awesome blog!
Geishas were actually not the ultimate beauty symbols. At most, maybe in Japan, but they were only looked at as companions, concubines, or prostitutes. They were not necessarily wife material.
Hello from Canada, I Love your sense of humor. You made me laugh, and I really needed that today. I am a recovering make-up artist(not guilty of make-ups like that!!). I found a book in a store in Montreal called "Married to a Bedouin" goggled it and also saw your blog link. Lucky me.
Ooooh my oh my, this post made me LAUGH OUT LOUD :-D Thank you for this great post. I couldn't agree more with you, sis! Less IS more! <3
Saudi women get their inspiration for a wedding make-up from decorated Pakistani trucks.
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