Many of the blogs on Saudi you will find authored by western wives of Saudi men. I guess we have a lot to share about multicultural marriages and raising kids in a foreign country so different from our own. Keeping a blog can also be sort of outlet to rant out negative feelings. Sharing ones experiences can help in processing and coping with the sometimes stressful life situations a foreign wife to a Saudi can find herself in. Or blogging might just be something she enjoys doing to fight the Saudi boredom!
For anyone interested in Saudi-Arabia, multicultural marriages and parenting or expat life, these blogs are worth looking into. Here is a list of ten blogs maintained by western women married to Saudis in alphabetical order:
American Bedu
The veteran of "Saudi wife" blogs, American Bedu is a former CIA agent that married a Saudi, now widowed and fighting her own cancer battle back in the U.S. Lots of info on everything about Saudi, lively discussions, posts everyday.
Arabia Saudyjska
A Polish woman that maintains an interesting blog about Saudi-Arabia written in Polish language, but you can always use google translate to read it. At the moment she is taking a blogging break.
The Camel and the Kangaroo
The newest addition to the list comes from down under, she is an Australian woman newly married to a Saudi.
Looking forward to reading more from her!
Future Husbands and Wives of Saudis
An excellent blog maintained by Tara Umm Omar gives information and advice on attaining the Saudi marriage permission. Lots of interesting articles, interviews and personal stories.
Little Pink Strawberries
Noor is a talented graphic designer and her blog Little Pink Strawberries has lots of cool freebies and she keeps and Etsy Shop too. She actually has two blogs, her other cooking blog which is full of delicious recipes is called Ya Salam Cooking and can be found here:
Nzinghas Soapbox
This blog has been inactive for a while, but nevertheless it's worth reading because it's funny, the author is very witty and according to her own words "too bold for most".
Ramblings of a Saudi wife
This blog by a lovely Canadian woman is fun to read and contains lots of hilarious parenting humor among other things from Saudi life.
Saudi Birth Story
A blog by Aisha Al-Hajjar, a Bradley Method birthing teacher, writer and founder of AMANI birth center. She has a passion for natural childbirth. Her blog has lots of info about birthing and also includes the birth stories of her own 8! children.
Susie's Big Adventure
Susie is an american woman who moved to Jeddah with her Saudi husband, her blog tells of her journey in the Kingdom, also contains lots of news, links and other info on Saudi.
Under the Abaya
Written by "American Girl", this blog is her touching personal journey of relocating to Saudi-Arabia to raise her daughter despite a failing marriage to her Saudi husband.

Dear Laylah!
Welcome back, I'm glad you arrived back to home in safe. Thanks for blog summarize, some of them I have already read articles.
Which nation's task or habit is writing "Tuesday Ten" Is it Finnish? Anyway I like top ten lists.
PS. i wrote you an email after Christmas I guess, i know you were busy but hope that you got it. :)
Hello dear Ildi :)
Yes we have arrived safely after a somehwat gruesome trip thanks to rude Turkish airlines staff!
I don't know where tuesday ten originates from actually, saw it on Noor's site and thought it's a good idea and it's easy to play around with!
I will check my emails, sorry for not responding yet but I am too swamped with emails right now (or as usual) LOL
Ahh thanks so much for including me :) I did not know about some of these blogs so thanks :)
Thanks for the informative list I will check them all out!
Thanks for the lovely mention, Laylah!
Thanks for the good reads! Started with the Nzinghas Soapbox, very interesting and entertaining reading. So different from the life in Norway / Scandinavia
Thanks for this list. Just discovered your blog and will be keeping up with it! So interesting!
Hi Laylah, have you ever check Khadija Teri' blog? She's an American married to a Libya, not a Saudi. I found many similarities. I lived in Tripoli & I'm getting ready to move to Khobar.
Hey laylah i just saw your blog and i think its very interesting especially for foreign women who marry arab guys.i wanted to share this awesome website that i discovered its actually saudis biggest review website, you can write and read reviews about your favourite restaurants, hotel, spa's.. check it out. #ksa
Thanks for the good reads! Started with the Nzinghas Soapbox, very interesting and entertaining reading.........
Mobile Prices in Saudi Arabia
assalamualaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu dear Laylah!
you can add me to the Saudi wives list if you want! though my blog is mainly about Islam ...not sure if that is of interest to people these days (sadly!)
butt i'm a CDN CHINESE revert married to a Saudi..moved to the US with him while he's studying :)
Khadijah @
Have you heard of the wedding of the Saudi businessman Walid Al Jaffali and the Lebanese model Loujain Adada? maybe she'll join this list of bloggers ...I love your list!
Yes, they say the wedding was wonderful, I saw few photos of Loujain in her wedding dress, ... Enjoy!!!
WOW. I was browsing through the pics and thinking, where's the groom because it looks like she's always just pictured with her father..but then I realized..that IS the groom! Oh dear.
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